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We are seeking members for PPC!

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

Would you consider joining the St. Timothy Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)?

“The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body in a parish, working in co-responsibility with the Pastor. It serves to advise the Parish Priest about pastoral issues. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is vital in the life of all parishes: it is the principal avenue for consultation and planning.”

St. Timothy is blessed to have an active Parish Pastoral Council for many years, who is co-responsible with the Pastor, Fr. Brian, to support and assist with the pastoral mission of our parish.

All members of the Parish Pastoral Council are called to take on a leadership role, and this calls for a discernment process. Throughout the process, a person needs to ask: What talents, virtues, and limits do I possess that indicate my ability to serve God’s people through a commitment to lay ministry?

We are seeking additional members to join PPC!

PPC strives to communicate and work closely with the various ministries and groups concerning their plans, events and activities to work more collaboratively and to integrate our pastoral mission and vision throughout the life of our parishioners.

We celebrate the gifts and talents of our parishioners through their ministries and volunteerism at our annual Celebration of Gifts and Talents.

Over the past five years, PPC adopted an annual theme around which our parish community can rally their efforts. We highlighted our vision to be a life-giving community committed to welcome, to worship, to grow, and to serve by declaring each year to focus on one of these dimensions.

PPC is also blessed to have Fr. Brian to lead the spiritual and faith growth of our parish including the challenging times of the Pandemic.

It is very rewarding to be involved in sharing and carrying out the mission that our Lord Jesus Christ invites us to do.

Please pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance should you feel a “nudge” to respond to this invitation.

Watch for weekly information as we invite parishioners to learn more about PPC. As you discern if you or someone you know might want to join PPC, there will be an opportunity to submit a name through an application process in four weeks.

Next Week’s Topic - How Does PPC Work at St. Timothy?


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