Saturday, February 11, 2023 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, enjoy and a experience a meaningful evening with your sweetheart this St. Valentine's.
Doors open at 6pm, Dinner served at 6:30pm
A lovely three-course meal awaits you! Our guests, Miriam and Stan Amaladas from World Wide Marriage Encounter will present on Marriage, Love and the Choices We Make. They will give 5-minute thoughtful presentations interspersed between each course, for a fun evening to enrich your relationship.
Tickets are selling quickly!
Please reserve your table online before the evening gets fully booked!

The dinner cost per couple is $65
Wine for two (red or white) can be pre-purchased for an additional cost of $10
To make your reservations,
visit us at the table in the narthex after Mass
After you make your reservations, your dinner tickets will be available for payment and pick up after each Mass on January 28/29 and February 4/5 or from the parish office Tuesday - Thursday, January 31 - February 2 (9 am - 5 pm)
A table for two is waiting for you!
The Marriage, Family & Life Team & friends