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Many Messages of Upcoming Things!

I have a few messages on different topics in this week's message.

May you be blessed as we commemorate the feast of our patron, St. Timothy!

Fr. Brian Trueman

Speaker for Lent- Save the Date! 

A guest speaker will be coming to our parish and helping us reflect deeper on the topic of the Eucharist! Dr. Brett Salkeld will give a talk right at the beginning of Lent on the Eucharist in our daily lives. Everyone recognizes that Lent is a great season for personal growth and change, and this talk can be a great way to begin Lent, encourage us in our prayer, and live from a spirit of charity in our families and workplaces.



Brett Salkeld is Archdiocesan Theologian for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Regina, where he is responsible for deacon formation. He is the author of a number of books, including one on the Eucharist, Transubstantiation: Theology, History, and Christian Unity. His newest book, Educating for Eternity: A Teacher’s Companion for Making Every Class Catholic, was published in 2023. He also serves the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops as a member of the Roman Catholic-Evangelical Dialogue in Canada. Lately, he has been doing many parish talks in the United States as part of their National Eucharistic Revival. Brett also writes and speaks on a number of websites and podcasts, including Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire. He now lives with his wife Flannery and their seven children in Regina.


Join us at 7pm on Thursday, February 15th and start your Lent off well!


Rite of Acceptance

This weekend at the 11am Mass, we are not only celebrating the feast day of our patron, St. Timothy, and therefore our own identity as a community under his care, but also formally welcoming those who are on their journey to full Christian initiation at Easter: baptism, confirmation, eucharist. At the beginning of January, I mentioned that we would soon be celebrating the Rite of Acceptance in our parish. The Rite of Acceptance is very similar to the beginnings of the ritual for baptism for children. They are firstly met at the entrance to the church, their names and intention are given, they are asked some questions about their desire to live as Christians, and then they are signed with the sign of the cross. 


We shall pray for them not only in this Mass, but throughout Lent as their preparations become more intensified. Please keep Tory and Wayne in your prayers, especially as we enter the season of Lent with greater prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. 


Votive Candles


Speaking of prayers, many are perhaps familiar with the sight of votive candles in Catholic churches. Many signs and symbols of our faith remind us who we are and the sacred place that we are in, no matter where we might be in the world– the tabernacle, sacred images of our Lord and his saints, and often near these, votive candles. Votive candles are part of our ancient tradition as Christians arising from pious devotion. These small candles can be lit as a sign of our faith, the symbolism of the light burning as a dedication or offering of prayer to God.


I’ve been asked a few times more recently from some visitors or newcomers to our parish where our votive candles are in the parish, hoping to light some for a particular intention, for an ill or deceased family member, or even in gratitude to the Lord for his goodness. On each occasion, I would convey that our parish doesn’t actually have any that are available to be lit like they would be used to from other churches. This has always been met with a certain sadness, on their part and on mine. 


So, I ask you, what are your thoughts on votive candles? Should our parish have a votive candle stand where people can light a candle for their individual intentions? Perhaps located near an image of our Lord or one of his saints? Is this a project we should look into more as our parish becomes more universal in its make-up of parishioners?




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