We have YOUTH GROUP this evening at 7 pm! There is FUN, FAITH and always FOOD!
Adult Faith/RCIA meets Saturday morning at 10 am – there is FUN, FAITH and FOOD there too!
Most significantly, we are celebrating
St. Timothy’s FEAST DAY this weekend!
o We’ll have Mass at the usual 4 pm on Saturday and ONE Mass on Sunday morning at 10:30 am followed by lunch and our CELEBRATION of GIFTS & TALENTS (CGT) in the parish hall!
o The parish is providing a chili lunch!
o We invite you to bring some dessert to share! (Drop off desserts before Mass in the parish hall – please bring them sliced/ready to serve, thank you.)
o Free-will offering to go towards lunch costs.
o Overflow parking is available in the school parking lot next door if needed.
We look forward to celebrating our parish together! St. Timothy, pray for us!
Read the bulletin here!