I’ve been working hard on completing the questionnaire that is part of our report to the bishop for his pastoral visit here next week. I’ve had a lot of help from a lot of different people on their experience with the different aspects of our parish, and them I’m tried my best to compile them in some coherent whole, which has resulted in a 25-page document. I haven’t had to write so much since my time in seminary. While I can’t share everything in this little bulletin message, I did want to share some small stats about our parish that we had to put together as part of our preparations, these are our best guesstimates. I hope you find it interesting. Also, since the bishop will be here next week, we though you’d appreciate knowing what his schedule will look like a bit, so I can give you that info as well.
St. Timothy Statistics
St Timothy members with collection envelopes or direct debit: Approx. 500
Estimated number of Catholics in the territory of your parish: 24% of approx. 15,000 in River Park South = 3-4,000?
Estimated total number of households served by your parish: Approx. 500
Estimated percentages according to age:
Over 60: 25%; from 30 to 60: 50%; from 20 to 30: 5% ; from 7 to 20: 15%; less than 7: 5%
Average Sunday attendance: 450-500
Sacraments and Funerals in the last 5 years:
| 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
Baptisms | 22 | 13 | 5 | 16 | 15 |
First Communions | 32 | 18 | 0 | 23 | 18 |
Confirmations | 37 | 22 | 0 | 54 | 18 |
Marriages | 3 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 4 |
Funerals | 10 | 10 | 11 | 15 | 21 |
Archbishop LeGatt’s Pastoral Visit Itinerary
Wednesday, the 13th: Meeting with parish staff as a team; Knights of Columbus; and our prayer groups: Prayer Shawl, Households of Faith, and Fan into Flames. Dinner meeting with the pastor; and then meeting with Funeral Luncheon group, Sunday Coffee Team, and Garden Care group; the evening concludes with a meeting with various liturgical ministries.
Thursday, the 14th: Meeting with SSVP and Refugee Committee; Marriage, Family Life group and Grief Support Ministry; Dinner at a parishioner’s house; and finally, our parish town hall with all parishioners.
Friday, the 15th: Visits to the elderly and homebound parishioners, including a visit with residents at Dakota House.
Saturday, the 16th: Youth Ministry; Catechism & Sacramental Preparation. Mass presided by the bishop, followed by a time for meet and greet. Dinner meeting with Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Council.
Sunday, the 17th: 10am Mass presided by His Grace, followed by food and fellowship for our 35th Anniversary.
I hope you can come out to our evening of prayer this Sunday night ( Sept. 10th) for a bit (35 minutes for 35 years???), and then get a chance to participate in any of the meetings, discussions, or celebrations in the coming week.
May the Lord graciously grant us peace and unity in accordance with His will.
Fr. Brian Trueman
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