A few weeks ago, I wrote about the potential for one of our Masses to have the option of a children’s Liturgy of the Word. I’m happy to announce that this will be starting up on Thanksgiving weekend, next Sunday for the 11am Mass. This will be available approximately every other week on a biweekly basis, but may change due to scheduling or parish events. We will be posting the scheduled Sundays in our parish bulletin, so keep an eye on that. I met with Jennifer and Annette, two young mothers in our parish who will be spearheading the initiative this Fall, and who are very excited to be involved and begin. Please feel free to give feedback or ask questions to myself or Grace in the office.
Who: This is primarily aimed at children ages 3-7. A parent may also wish to accompany if this seems beneficial to the child’s comfort.
What: Children’s Liturgy is about breaking open the Word of God for young people. The Liturgy of the Word for Children is not “Sunday school” or a catechetics class; it is not primarily a moment for catechesis. Rather, the Liturgy of the Word for Children is a component of the ritual prayer of Mass just as it is for adults. When they are elsewhere, it is to enhance their inclusion in the liturgy, not separate them from it.
Where: The children will gather in the parish library, right across from the church space where the rest of the congregation will be.
When: This will be scheduled regularly, but not all the time. It will be on every other Sunday. We will all start the Mass together, and the children will be invited to break open the Word together after the Opening Prayer and before the readings are proclaimed at the Ambo. They will return to rejoin us for the Liturgy of the Eucharist during the preparation of the Altar and the financial collection.
Why: Children’s Liturgy of the Word is always an optional event, and children are always welcome to remain with their parents for the whole of Mass. The benefits are that it helps the children to celebrate the presence of God in his Word, facilities sharing the message of the Gospel at their level, encouraging them to experience church as community, and helping them to learn about their faith in a positive and joyful manner.
How: The children will be hearing many of the same readings as the adults for the Sunday but in a child-friendly translation: the first reading, responsorial psalm, and Gospel. The leaders will then break open the Word with the children through dialogue, questions, and reflections. The children will then profess their faith by reciting the Creed and bringing forth their own Prayers of the Faithful.
“Let the little children come to me; do not stop them: for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” (Mark 10:14)
Fr. Brian Trueman