• Join us TONIGHT at 7:30 pm for ILLUMINATE: an evening of Adoration and praise and worship music, with an opportunity for confession with several priests available! Refreshments and fellowship to follow!
• Join us as RCIA/Adult Faith Formation begins with THE SEARCH on Saturday, October 5 from 10 - 11:15 am in the parish hall. Everyone is welcome!
• In honour of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi (which is today), join us for our annual PET BLESSING on Saturday (Oct. 5) at 1 pm. We’ll be in the north parking lot.
• Bring your appetite (and cash donation) to the Knights of Columbus BIG BREAKFAST on Sunday after both morning Masses!
• This is your last weekend to bring food donations for Agape Table (or you can drop them off on Tuesday during office hours). Thank you to everyone for your generosity to the poor in our city.
Get the details in the bulletin here!