BACON!! Now that we have your attention:), the Knights of Columbus are servin' up a BIG Breakfast on Sunday after the two morning Masses - SCRAMBLED EGGS and PANCAKES and BACON, coffee and juice!! Suggested donation is $10, or give what you can!
Also happening this weekend:
Adult Faith Formation continues on Saturday at 10 am. Details in the bulletin!
The Couples for Christ CHRISTIAN LIFE PROGRAM continues this Saturday after the 4 pm Mass. It is not too late to join if you missed last week! Details in the bulletin.
A reminder that Fr. Brian will be away next week for the annual priests’ retreat, so there will be no weekday Mass April 30 – May 3. But he’ll be back for the planned May Crowning of Mary and Holy Hour on Friday, May 3 at 7 pm! Guess what? Details are in the bulletin :D