Also called Penance or Reconciliation
“Those who approach the sacrament of Penance obtain pardon from God's mercy for the offence committed against him, and are, at the same time, reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by their sins and which by charity, by example, and by prayer labours for their conversion.”
- Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph #1422
The Sacrament of Confession is available 30 minutes before each of our weekday and weekend masses or can be requested by appointment. Please contact Fr. Brian at 204-949-3769 or
First Penance
At the parish of St. Timothy, we prepare children starting in Grade 2 for First Penance. Parents, the primary educators of the faith, are actively involved in the preparation for this Sacrament. Preparation involves parents and children attending four 1 hour classes + one 2 hour retreat.
The following criteria must be met before preparing for the Sacrament of First Penance:
Child has been baptized.
Child is 7 years old or older.
Child recognizes the difference between right and wrong.
Child has completed a minimum of twenty (20) hours in an ongoing program of catechesis in the previous year (according to diocesan protocol).
What is involved?
The Sacrament of First Penance preparation program consists of:
One (1) Parent Information session - Parents ONLY
The Parent Information session is mandatory for all parents requesting the Sacrament of First Penance for their child. -
Six (6) one-hour preparation sessions - Child & Parent attends
Session attendance is mandatory for children & at least one parent -
Thursday evenings - October to January
Sacraments 101: Penance (why we confess)
Join Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, as he explains why we confess our sins to a priest.
Confession 101: What is it & how it's done - part 1
Busted Halo looks at the preliminary steps you need to know before entering a church to receive the Sacrament of Penance.
Confession 101: What is it & how it's done - part 2
Busted Halo walks us through the four steps of the Sacrament of Penance.